Multi-player Online Games (MOGs) have emerged as popular data intensive applications in recent years. Being used by many players simultaneously, they require a high degree of faul...
Requirements models for large systems typically cannot be developed in a single step, but evolve in a sequence of iterations. We have developed such an iterative modeling process ...
Shared workspace systems provide virtual places for selforganized and semi-structured cooperation between local and distributed team members. These cooperation systems have been a...
A principal problem in speech recognition is distinguishing between words and phrases that sound similar but have different meanings. Speech recognition programs produce a list of...
Henry Lieberman, Alexander Faaborg, Waseem Daher, ...
Ad-hoc networks of mobile devices such as smart phones and PDAs represent a new and exciting distributed system architecture. Building distributed applications on such an architec...
Yang Ni, Ulrich Kremer, Adrian Stere, Liviu Iftode