As environments become smart in accordance with advances in ubiquitous computing technology, researchers are struggling to satisfy users' diverse and sophisticated demands. Th...
Jin Choi, Yong-il Cho, Kyusung Cho, Su-jung Bae, H...
Accurate estimation of vessel parameters is a prerequisite for automated visualization and analysis of healthy and diseased blood vessels. The objective of this research is to est...
We propose an approach for detecting objects in large-scale range datasets that combines bottom-up and top-down processes. In the bottom-up stage, fast-to-compute local descriptors...
Alexander Patterson, Philippos Mordohai, Kostas Da...
A key problem for "face in the crowd" recognition from existing surveillance cameras in public spaces (such as mass transit centres) is the issue of pose mismatches betwe...
High-dimensional index is one of the most challenging tasks for content-based video retrieval (CBVR). Typically, in video database, there exist two kinds of clues for query: visual...
Zhiping Shi, Qingyong Li, Zhiwei Shi, Zhongzhi Shi