This paper merges hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) with ant colony optimization (ACO) to produce a HRL ACO algorithm capable of generating solutions for large domains. Th...
Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) such as Snort or Bro that have to analyze the packet payload for all the received data show severe performance problems if used in...
Rationale research in software development is a challenging area because while there is no shortage of advocates for its value, there is also no shortage of reasons for why rationa...
In this paper, we generalize the notion of persistence, which has been originally introduced for two-dimensional formations, to Rd for d 3, seeking to provide a theoretical framew...
Changbin Yu, Julien M. Hendrickx, Baris Fidan, Bri...
Background: The mechanisms underlying protein function and associated conformational change are dominated by a series of local entropy fluctuations affecting the global structure ...