Autoconfiguration of the radio parameters is a key feature for next generation mobile networks. Especially for LTE the NGMN Forum has brought it up as a major requirement. It is ...
We have designed, implemented, and evaluated AtomCaml, an extension to Objective Caml that provides a synchronization primitive for atomic (transactional) execution of code. A fir...
Large boolean matrices are a basic representational unit in a variety of applications, with some notable examples being interactive visualization systems, mining large graph struc...
David S. Johnson, Shankar Krishnan, Jatin Chhugani...
Titanium is a language and system for high-performance parallel scientific computing. Titanium uses Java as its base, thereby leveraging the advantages of that language and allow...
Katherine A. Yelick, Luigi Semenzato, Geoff Pike, ...
Complex and dynamic interaction behaviors in applications such as Virtual Reality (VR) systems are difficult to design and develop. Reasons for this include the complexity and lim...