Background: Alternative splicing is an important mechanism that increases protein diversity and functionality in higher eukaryotes. Affymetrix exon arrays are a commercialized pla...
Background: As the number of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs), also known as single amino acid polymorphisms (SAPs), increases rapidly, computational method...
Background: With the amount of influenza genome sequence data growing rapidly, researchers need machine assistance in selecting datasets and exploring the data. Enhanced visualiza...
Background: Sequence comparison is one of the most prominent tools in biological research, and is instrumental in studying gene function and evolution. The rapid development of hi...
Tomer Shlomi, Daniel Segal, Eytan Ruppin, Roded Sh...
Background: There are a number of different methods for generation of trees and algorithms for phylogenetic analysis in the study of bacterial taxonomy. Genotypic information, suc...