Modern applications for mobile computing require high performance architectures. On the other hand, there are restrictions such as storage or power consumption. The use of reconï¬...
Abstract. This paper introduces Crankshaft, a MAC protocol specifically targeted at dense wireless sensor networks. Crankshaft employs node synchronisation and offset wake-up sched...
Network applications are becoming increasingly popular in the embedded systems domain requiring high performance, which leads to high energy consumption. In networks is observed t...
For the next generation of multi-core processors, the onchip interconnection networks must be efficient to achieve high data throughput and performance. Moreover, these interconne...
Henrique C. Freitas, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Na...
Abstract. When installing network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs), operators are faced with a large number of parameters and analysis options for tuning trade-offs between dete...
Holger Dreger, Anja Feldmann, Vern Paxson, Robin S...