In order to create adaptive Agent Systems with abilities matching those of their biological counterparts, a natural approach is to incorporate classical conditioning mechanisms int...
Tibor Bosse, Catholijn M. Jonker, Sander A. Los, L...
In the past emotions have been dismissed as a distraction to the logical, scientific thought process. More recently however, the importance of emotion in human-like intelligence a...
A data warehouse (DW) provides an information for analytical processing, decision making, and data mining tools. On the one hand, the structure and content of a data warehouse ref...
Bartosz Bebel, Johann Eder, Christian Koncilia, Ta...
Abstract. In this paper, we constructed the Distributed Object Group Framework(DOGF) which is a reconfigurable architecture supporting dynamically adaptation of distributed service...
NBTI is one of the most important silicon reliability problems facing processor designers today. The impact of NBTI can be mitigated at both the circuit and microarchitecture leve...