Under the support of the National Digital Archive Program (NDAP), basic species information about most Taiwanese fishes, including their morphology, ecology, distribution, specime...
Kwang-Tsao Shao, Jack Yung-Chang Lin, Hsin-Hua Lin
The problem of computing bounds on the region-of-attraction for systems with polynomial vector fields is considered. Invariant subsets of the region-of-attraction are characterize...
The maindi culty in enforcing globalserializabilityin a multidatabase environment lies in resolving indirect (transitive) con icts between multidatabase transactions. Indirect con...
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Marek Rusinkiewicz, Amit...
This contribution presents a new class of MRF, that is inspired by methods of statistical physics. The new energy function assumes full-connectivity in the neighborhood system and...
To efficiently find global patterns from a multi-database, information in each local database must first be mined and summarized at the local level. Then only the summarized infor...