The interference map of an 802.11 network is a collection of data structures that can help heuristics for routing, channel assignment and call admission in dense wireless networks...
Belief revision performs belief change on an agent's beliefs when new evidence (either of the form of a propositional formula or of the form of a total pre-order on a set of ...
We study propagation algorithms for the conjunction of two ALLDIFFERENT constraints. Solutions of an ALLDIFFERENT constraint can be seen as perfect matchings on the variable/value...
Christian Bessiere, George Katsirelos, Nina Narody...
In this paper, we prove that the quadratic polynomials modulo 3 with the largest correlation with parity are unique up to permutation of variables and constant factors. As a conseq...
Fuzzy formal logics were introduced in order to handle graded truth values instead of only ‘true’ and ‘false’. A wide range of such logics were introduced successfully, li...
Bart Van Gasse, Chris Cornelis, Glad Deschrijver, ...