The emergence of location-aware services calls for new real-time spatio-temporal query processing algorithms that deal with large numbers of mobile objects and queries. In this de...
Mohamed F. Mokbel, Xiaopeng Xiong, Walid G. Aref, ...
Abstract-- The increasing processing power of embedded devices have created the scope for certain applications that could previously be executed in desktop environments only, to mi...
— Pervasive and ubiquitous computing is enabling the implementation of “smart environments”, i.e., environments where applications support and enhance the abilities of their ...
Background: Bioinformatic analyses typically proceed as chains of data-processing tasks. A pipeline, or ‘workflow’, is a well-defined protocol, with a specific structure defin...
An integrated platform which is capable of meeting the requirements of both traditional real-time control processing and multimedia processing has enormous potential for accommoda...
Hiroyuki Kaneko, John A. Stankovic, Subhabrata Sen...