It is known that temperature gradients and thermal hotspots affect the reliability of microprocessors. Temperature is also an important constraint when maximizing the performance...
Vinay Hanumaiah, Ravishankar Rao, Sarma B. K. Vrud...
The amount of data handled by real-time and embedded applications is increasing. Also, applications normally have constraints with respect to freshness and timeliness of the data ...
Heuristics are widely used for solving computational intractable synthesis problems. However, until now, there has been limited effort to systematically develop heuristics that ca...
Zhiru Zhang, Yiping Fan, Miodrag Potkonjak, Jason ...
Variable-bandwidth servers (VBS) control process execution speed by allocating variable CPU bandwidth to processes. VBS enables temporal isolation of EDF-scheduled processes in th...
Silviu S. Craciunas, Christoph M. Kirsch, Ana Soko...
Recently there has been a renewed interest in the application of economic models to the management of computational resources. Most of this interest is focused on pricing models f...