Animated pedagogical agents offer promise as a means of making computer-aided learning more engaging and effective. To achieve this, an agent must be able to interact with the lea...
W. Lewis Johnson, Erin Shaw, Andrew Marshall, Cath...
In this paper, we present an analysis of self-organizing bandwidth sharing in priority-based medium access. For this purpose, the priority-based Access Game is introduced. Analysi...
A drama manager (DM) monitors an interactive experience, such as a computer game, and intervenes to shape the global experience so it satisfies the author's expressive goals ...
In multiple criteria Markov Decision Processes (MDP) where multiple costs are incurred at every decision point, current methods solve them by minimising the expected primary cost ...
We propose an active vision system for object acquisition. The core of our approach is a reinforcement learning module which learns a strategy to scan an object. The agent moves a...
Gabriele Peters, Claus-Peter Alberts, Markus Bries...