Real-time schedulability theory requires a priori knowledge of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of every task in the system. Fundamental to the calculation of WCET is a schedu...
Grid middleware is enabling resource sharing between computing centres across the world and sites with existing clusters are eager to connect to the Grid. However, the hardware re...
Stephen Childs, Brian A. Coghlan, David O'Callagha...
Performance guarantees can be given to tasks in an embedded system by ensuring that access to each shared resource is mediated by an appropriate scheduler. However, almost all pre...
VRML97 allows the description of dynamic worlds that can change with both the passage of time, and user interaction. Unfortunately, the current VRML usage model prevents its full ...
One has a large workload that is “divisible” (its constituent work’s granularity can be adjusted arbitrarily) and one has access to p remote computers that can assist in comp...
Anne Benoit, Yves Robert, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Fr&...