Future space missions, such as Mars Science Laboratory, are built upon computing platforms providing a high degree of autonomy and diverse functionality. The increased sophisticat...
Damian Dechev, Peter Pirkelbauer, Nicolas Rouquett...
Kernel-level attacks or rootkits can compromise the security of an operating system by executing with the privilege of the kernel. Current approaches use virtualization to gain hi...
Monirul I. Sharif, Wenke Lee, Weidong Cui, Andrea ...
Reliable broadcast can be a very useful primitive for many distributed applications, especially in the context of sensoractuator networks. Recently, the issue of reliable broadcas...
Advances in the development of large scale distributed computing systems such as Grids and Computing Clouds have intensified the need for developing scheduling algorithms capable...
Claris Castillo, George N. Rouskas, Khaled Harfous...
In an optimistic approach to security, one can often simplify protocol design by relying on audit logs, which can be analyzed a posteriori. Such auditing is widely used in practice...