Java is an attractive environment for writing portable message passing parallel programs. Considerable work in message passing interface bindings for the C and Fortran languages h...
Several Java bindings of the Message Passing Interface standard, MPI, have been developed recently. Message bu ers have usually been restricted to arrays with elements of primitiv...
Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Sung Hoon Ko, Sang ...
Abstract. SKaMPI is a benchmark for MPI implementations. Its purpose is the detailed analysis of the runtime of individual MPI operations and comparison of these for di erent imple...
Ralf Reussner, Peter Sanders, Lutz Prechelt, Matth...
Distributing data is a fundamental problem in implementing efficient distributed-memory parallel programs. The problem becomes more difficult in environments where the participa...
D. Brent Weatherly, David K. Lowenthal, Mario Naka...
Distributing data is a fundamental problem in implementing efficient distributed-memory parallel programs. The problem becomes more difficult in environments where the participati...
D. Brent Weatherly, David K. Lowenthal, Mario Naka...