Robust data retrieval in the presence of uncertainty is a challenging problem in multimedia information retrieval. In query-by-humming (QBH) systems, uncertainty can arise in query...
Erdem Unal, Elaine Chew, Panayiotis G. Georgiou, S...
—This paper considers the design of opportunistic packet schedulers for users sharing a time-varying wireless channel from the performance and the robustness points of view. Firs...
Information Extraction methods can be used to automatically "fill-in" database forms from unstructured data such as Web documents or email. State-of-the-art methods have...
Trausti T. Kristjansson, Aron Culotta, Paul A. Vio...
Inference of latent variables from complicated data is one important problem in data mining. The high dimensionality and high complexity of real world data often make accurate infe...
Code optimization and high level synthesis can be posed as constraint satisfaction and optimization problems, such as graph coloring used in register allocation. Graph coloring is...
Arathi Ramani, Fadi A. Aloul, Igor L. Markov, Kare...