The notion of arrow by Hughes is an axiomatization of the algebraic structure possessed by structured computations in general. We claim that an arrow also serves as a basic compon...
Abstract. This paper introduces the logical system HOL2P that extends classical higher order logic (HOL) with type operator variables and universal types. HOL2P has explicit term o...
Object-Gofer is a small, practical extension of the functional programming language Gofer incorporating the following ideas from the object-oriented community: objects and toplevel...
Abstract. Techniques such as verification condition generation, preditraction, and expressive type systems reduce software verification to proving formulas in expressive logics. Pr...
Viktor Kuncak, Ruzica Piskac, Philippe Suter, Thom...
Our goal is to identify families of relations that are useful for reasoning about software. We describe such families using decidable quantifier-free classes of logical constraints...