Background: Joint alignment and secondary structure prediction of two RNA sequences can significantly improve the accuracy of the structural predictions. Methods addressing this p...
Arif Ozgun Harmanci, Gaurav Sharma, David H. Mathe...
Background: Structural alignment is an important step in protein comparison. Well-established methods exist for solving this problem under the assumption that the structures under...
Roberto Mosca, Barbara Brannetti, Thomas R. Schnei...
Background: One of the most powerful methods for the prediction of protein structure from sequence information alone is the iterative construction of profile-type models. Because ...
Background: In a previous paper, we introduced MUSCLE, a new program for creating multiple alignments of protein sequences, giving a brief summary of the algorithm and showing MUS...
Background: Profile-based analysis of multiple sequence alignments (MSA) allows for accurate comparison of protein families. Here, we address the problems of detecting statistical...