Abstract. In mobile and ubiquitous computing, there is a strong need for supporting different users with different interests, needs, and demands. Activity recognition systems for c...
Martin Berchtold, Matthias Budde, Hedda Rahel Schm...
Modern hardware description languages support code-generation constructs like generate/endgenerate in Verilog. These constructs are intended to describe regular or parameterized ha...
Jennifer Gillenwater, Gregory Malecha, Cherif Sala...
High-level formalisms for reasoning about names and binding such uijn indices, various flavors of higher-order abstract syntax, ry of Contexts, and nominal abstract syntax address...
re a popular form of abstract computation. Being more general than monads, they are more broadly applicable, and in parare a good abstraction for signal processing and dataflow co...
This paper is the third in a series of papers that describe a new plug-in for enabling the integration of the IntelliJ IDEA IDE with the JBoss application server. The JBoss plug-i...