Our research explores the possibilities for factoring culture into user models, working towards cultural adaptivity in the semantic web. The aim is to represent the user’s positi...
In this paper, we motivate the importance of the field of mobile computing and survey current practical and formal approaches. We argue that the existing formalisms are not suffic...
Klaus Bergner, Radu Grosu, Andreas Rausch, Alexand...
In relation to its growth in size and user population, the Internet faces new challenges that have triggered the proposals of value-added network services, e.g., IP multicast, IP ...
The InTENsity PowerWall is a display system used for high-resolution visualization of very large volumetric data sets. The display is linked to two separate computing environments...
Alex W. Elder, Thomas Ruwart, Benjamin D. Allen, A...
Background: Parallel T-Coffee (PTC) was the first parallel implementation of the T-Coffee multiple sequence alignment tool. It is based on MPI and RMA mechanisms. Its purpose is t...
Josep Rius Torrento, Fernando Cores, Francesc Sols...