Background: Experimental verification of gene products has not kept pace with the rapid growth of microbial sequence information. However, existing annotations of gene locations c...
Background: We present an approach designed to identify gene regulation patterns using sequence and expression data collected for Saccharomyces cerevisae. Our main goal is to rela...
Bartek Wilczynski, Torgeir R. Hvidsten, Andriy Kry...
Clipping is the process of transforming a real valued series into a sequence of bits representing whether each data is above or below the average. In this paper, we argue that clip...
Anthony J. Bagnall, Chotirat (Ann) Ratanamahatana,...
Background: Histopathology, which is one of the most important routines of all laboratory procedures used in pathology, is decisive for the diagnosis of cancer. Experienced histop...
Mutlu Mete, Xiaowei Xu, Chun-Yang Fan, Gal Shafirs...
Background: As the number of fully sequenced genome increases, the need is greater for bioinformatics to predict or annotate genes of a newly sequenced genome. Ever since Eisenber...