A robust character region identification approach is proposed here to deal with cover images using a differential top-hat transformation (DTT). The DTT is derived from morphologica...
Evaluating rankers using implicit feedback, such as clicks on documents in a result list, is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional evaluation methods based on explici...
Background: Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has become a prominent tool for the analysis of complex proteomics and metabolomics samples. In many applica...
Eva Lange, Ralf Tautenhahn, Steffen Neumann, Cleme...
This paper addresses issues involved when an architect explore alternative designs including non-functional requirements; in our approach, non-functional requirements are expresse...
Lihua Xu, Scott A. Hendrickson, Eric Hettwer, Hada...
Query expansion is extensively applied in information retrieval systems, such as search engines. Most conventional approaches to query expansion have been developed based on textua...