Animating 3D faces to achieve compelling realism is a challenging task in the entertainment industry. Previously proposed face transfer approaches generally require a high-quality...
This paper describes how a photogrammetry based 3D capture system can be used as an input device for animation. The 3D Dynamic Capture System is used to capture the motion of a hu...
Donald MacVicar, Stuart Ford, Ewan Borland, Robert...
Human facial gestures often exhibit such natural stochastic variations as how often the eyes blink, how often the eyebrows and the nose twitch, and how the head moves while speaki...
We present a system for realistic facial animation that decomposes facial motion capture data into semantically meaningful motion channels based on the Facial Action Coding System...
Web-based 3D facial animation is an alternative of face to face communication. Animating 3D human faces is also a difficult task because of the substantive non-rigid facial motions...