Mosaic sculptures are a form of art where the sculpture is made from a collection of individual elements called tiles which are distributed over the surface of a given 3D shape. T...
The accuracy of color image-acquisition systems is most often evaluated using test targets of uniform color patches imaged under optimal conditions. In artwork imaging, system per...
Roy S. Berns, Lawrence A. Taplin, Francisco H. Ima...
Conformal geometry is in the core of pure mathematics. Conformal structure is more flexible than Riemaniann metric but more rigid than topology. Conformal geometric methods have p...
Mesh parameterization is a fundamental technique in computer graphics. The major goals during mesh parameterization are to minimize both the angle distortion and the area distortio...
Yong-Liang Yang, Junho Kim, Feng Luo 0002, Shi-Min...
As computer technologies start to permeate the everyday activities of a continuously growing population, social and technical as well as political and legal issues will surface. P...