Image-based CSG rendering algorithms for standard graphics hardware rely on multipass rendering that includes reading and writing large amounts of pixel data from and to the frame...
We propose a new framework design for exploiting multi-core architectures in the context of visualization dataflow systems. Recent hardware advancements have greatly increased the...
Huy T. Vo, Daniel K. Osmari, Brian Summa, Jo&atild...
Intense research on virtual machines has highlighted the need for flexible software architectures that allow quick evaluation of new design and implementation techniques. The inte...
The problem of writing high performance parallel applications becomes even more challenging when irregular, sparse or adaptive methods are employed. In this paper we introduce com...
Next-generation high-end Network Processors (NP) must address demands from both diversified applications and ever-increasing traffic pressure. One major challenge is to design an e...
Lei Shi, Yue Zhang 0006, Jianming Yu, Bo Xu, Bin L...