In this paper, the problem of automatically mapping large-grain dataflow programs onto heterogeneous hardware/softwarearchitectures is treated. Starting with a given hardware/soft...
In the sponsored search model, search engines are paid by businesses that are interested in displaying ads for their site alongside the search results. Businesses bid for keywords...
Enterprise search is challenging for several reasons, notably the dynamic terminology and jargon that are specific to the enterprise domain. This challenge is partly addressed by...
: The explosive growth of the World Wide Web, and the resulting information overload, has led to a miniexplosion in World Wide Web search engines. This mini-explosion, in turn, led...
This paper presents EXE, an effective bug-finding tool that automatically generates inputs that crash real code. Instead of running code on manually or randomly constructed input,...
Cristian Cadar, Vijay Ganesh, Peter M. Pawlowski, ...