Abstract. A Learning Design(LD) definition under the IMS-LD standard is a complex task for the instructor because it requires a lot of time, effort and previous knowledge of the ...
Lluvia Morales, Luis A. Castillo, Juan Ferná...
—At present, Web services are created and updated on the fly. It has already beyond the human ability to analysis them and generate the composition plan manually. It is a problem...
In order to give people ubiquitous access to software applications, device controllers, and Internet services, it will be necessary to automatically adapt user interfaces to the c...
: One of the key problems in developing standard based adaptive courses is the complexity involved in the design phase, especially when establishing the hooks for the dynamic model...
- In this paper, we present a design methodology for automatic platform generation of future heterogeneous systems where communication happens via the Network-onChip (NoC) approach...