: We present in this paper the methodology for automatic generation of OWL-S service model ontology along with the results and issues. First, we extract information related to atom...
In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), service composition integrates existing services to fulfill specific tasks using a set of standards and tools. However, current service comp...
Hua Xiao, Ying Zou, Ran Tang, Joanna Ng, Leho Nigu...
Self-Management of multiservice network domains must include automatic detection of service quality violations in order to perform appropriate and timely responses, fostering the f...
Location Based Services (LBS) promise interesting business opportunities. Today, most LBS are either implemented in hardware devices, or downloaded and installed by mobile phone u...
Stephan Karpischek, Fabio Magagna, Florian Michahe...
—Monitoring personal locations with a potentially untrusted server poses privacy threats to the monitored individuals. To this end, we propose a privacy-preserving location monit...