This paper describes a novel method by which a dialogue agent can learn to choose an optimal dialogue strategy. While it is widely agreed that dialogue strategies should be formul...
Marilyn A. Walker, Jeanne Frommer, Shrikanth Naray...
We present a methodology for generating optimized architectures for data bandwidth constrained extensible processors. We describe a scalable Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formu...
Kubilay Atasu, Robert G. Dimond, Oskar Mencer, Way...
Intermediate measurements in quantum circuits compare to conditional branchings in programming languages. Due to this, quantum circuits have a natural linear-tree structure. In thi...
This research presents an analysis of the reported successes of the Cartesian Genetic Programming method on a simplified form of the Boolean parity problem. We show the method of...
useful for optimizing compilers [15], partial evaluators [11], abstract debuggers [1], models-checkers [2], formal verifiers [13], etc. The difficulty of the task comes from the fa...