In-home monitoring using sensors has the potential to improve the life of elderly and chronically ill persons, assist their family and friends in supervising their status, and pro...
Dounia Berrada, Mario Romero, Gregory D. Abowd, Ma...
We present a new limited form of interprocedural analysis called field analysis that can be used by a compiler to reduce the costs of modern language features such as objectorien...
Sanjay Ghemawat, Keith H. Randall, Daniel J. Scale...
The existence and use of standard test collections in information retrieval experimentation allows results to be compared between research groups and over time. Such comparisons, ...
Timothy G. Armstrong, Alistair Moffat, William Web...
Abstract. The Asprox infection weaves a complex chain of dependencies involving bots that perform SQL injections on vulnerable web servers, and visitors whose machines get compromi...
- Most image processing applications are computationally intensive and data intensive. Reconfigurable hardware boards provide a convenient and flexible solution to speed up these a...