The creation of an FPGA requires extensive transistor-level design. This is necessary for both the final design, and during architecture exploration, when many different logic and...
In a multi-agent system, agents must decide what to do and by what order. Autonomy is a key notion in such a system, since it is mainly the autonomy of the agents that makes the en...
While the Grid and Web Services have helped us support heterogeneous resource access through the use of service oriented architectures, they have not addressed the issue of hetero...
The current method of grading prostate cancer on histology uses the Gleason system, which describes five increasingly malignant stages of cancer according to qualitative analysis...
Scott Doyle, Mark Hwang, Kinsuk Shah, Anant Madabh...
In today' s competitive electric utility marketplace, real-time information becomes the key factor for reliable delivery of power to the end-users, profitability of the electr...