In this paper we investigate two related aspects of the formalization of open interaction systems: how to specify norms, and how to enforce them by means of sanctions. The problem...
The behaviours of autonomous agents may deviate from those deemed to be for the good of the societal systems of which they are a part. Norms have therefore been proposed as a means...
Noura Faci, Sanjay Modgil, Nir Oren, Felipe Rech M...
A key focus of contemporary agent-oriented research and engineering is on open multiagent systems composed of truly autonomous, interacting agents. This poses new challenges, as en...
State-of-the-art computer graphics can give autonomous agents a compelling appearance as animated virtual characters. Typically the agents are directly responsible for controlling ...
Organisations can be defined as a set of entities regulated by mechanisms of social order and created by more or less autonomous actors to achieve common goals. Multi-agent systems...