Shared memory multiprocessor systems typically provide a set of hardware primitives in order to support synchronization. Generally, they provide single-word read-modify-write hard...
Most of the existing clock synchronization algorithms for wireless sensor networks can be viewed as proactive clock synchronization since they require nodes to periodically synchro...
Abstract. IT service delivery is challenging to study. It is characterized by interacting systems of technology, people, and organizations. The work is sometimes reactive, sometime...
Eser Kandogan, Eben M. Haber, John H. Bailey, Paul...
In the future, webs of unmanned air and space vehicles will act together to robustly perform elaborate missions in uncertain environments. We coordinate these systems by introduci...
Empirical evidence suggests that reactive routing systems improve resilience to Internet path failures. They detect and route around faulty paths based on measurements of path per...
Nick Feamster, David G. Andersen, Hari Balakrishna...