Assuming 3-SAT formulas are hard to refute with high probability, Feige showed approximation hardness results, among others for the max bipartite clique. We extend this result in t...
d Abstract) Noga Alon∗ Fedor V. Fomin† Gregory Gutin‡ Michael Krivelevich§ Saket Saurabh¶ We prove that finding a rooted subtree with at least k leaves in a directed grap...
Noga Alon, Fedor V. Fomin, Gregory Gutin, Michael ...
We show how to generate labeled and unlabeled outerplanar graphs with n vertices uniformly at random in polynomial time in n. To generate labeled outerplanar graphs, we present a c...
The k-Leaf Power recognition problem is a particular case of graph power problems: For a given graph it asks whether there exists an unrooted tree--the k-leaf root--with leaves on...
Given a bipartite graph of collaborative ratings, the task of recommendation and rating prediction can be modeled with graph kernels. We interpret these graph kernels as the inver...