

Generating Outerplanar Graphs Uniformly at Random

14 years 2 months ago
Generating Outerplanar Graphs Uniformly at Random
We show how to generate labeled and unlabeled outerplanar graphs with n vertices uniformly at random in polynomial time in n. To generate labeled outerplanar graphs, we present a counting technique using the decomposition of a graph according to its block structure, and compute the exact number of labeled outerplanar graphs. This allows us to make the correct probabilistic choices in a recursive generation of uniformly distributed outerplanar graphs. Next we modify our formulas to count rooted unlabeled graphs, and finally show how to use these formulas in a Las Vegas algorithm to generate unlabeled outerplanar graphs uniformly at random in expected polynomial time. random structures, outerplanar graphs, efficient counting, uniform generation
Manuel Bodirsky, Mihyun Kang
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CPC
Authors Manuel Bodirsky, Mihyun Kang
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