Traditional data mining techniques have been extensively applied to find interesting patterns, build descriptive and predictive models from large volumes of data accumulated throug...
Mykola Pechenizkiy, Nikola Trcka, Ekaterina Vasily...
A major challenge faced in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is locating devices for communication, especially in the case of high node mobility and sparse node density. Present solu...
Disaster prevention and management is a complicated task that often involves a tremendous volume of heterogeneous data from various resources. With its dynamic and distributed nat...
In a competitive environment, companies continuously innovate to offer superior services at lower costs. `Shared services' have been extensively adopted in practice as one me...
Suraya Miskon, Wasana Bandara, Erwin Fielt, Guy G....
Key management in wireless sensor networks does not only face typical, but also several new challenges. The scale, resource limitations, and new threats such as node capture and c...
Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Jens B. Schmitt