This paper introduces the notion of a Wearable Community as a group of wearable users who cooperate for their mutual benefit. In such a community, wearable computers act as person...
Gerd Kortuem, Jay Schneider, Jim Suruda, Stephen F...
In the world of OTIS, an online Internet School for occupational therapists, students from four European countries were encouraged to work collaboratively through problem based le...
We reported a study that analyzes collaborative information behavior of small groups in an online math discourse community. Taking group as the unit of analysis, we analyzed the so...
In this paper, we introduce SCACS, a Social Context-Aware Communication System that facilitates face-to-face communications between old-timers and newcomers in a research communit...
The search for relevant information is often hindered by the initial difficulty in formulating precise requests, and because much knowledge is actually tacit and thus not easily ac...