The community of multi-agent systems has been studying ways to improve the selection of partner agents for joint action. One of such approaches consists in estimating the trustwort...
Multiparty agreements often arise in a multiagent system where autonomous agents interact with each other to achieve a global goal. Multiparty agreements are traditionally represe...
A request to a service registry must be answered with a service that fits in several regards, including semantic compatibility, non-functional compatibility, and interface compati...
There is no doubt that SOA and BPM will continue to evolve dependently for the next ten years. Preparing common research infrastructures will require most important efforts of web ...
Networked value constellations are collections of enterprises that jointly satify complex consumer needs. Increasingly, such needs are satisfied by e-services, i.e. commercial ser...
Jaap Gordijn, Hans Weigand, Manfred Reichert, Roel...