—Although popular text search engines allow users to retrieve similar web pages, source code search engines do not have this feature. Detecting similar applications is a notoriou...
Background: Metagenomic analyses of microbial communities that are comprehensive enough to provide multiple samples of most loci in the genomes of the dominant organism types will...
John M. Eppley, Gene W. Tyson, Wayne M. Getz, Jill...
Background: As genomes evolve after speciation, gene content, coding sequence, gene expression, and splicing all diverge with time from ancestors with close relatives. A minimum e...
Roald Rossnes, Ingvar Eidhammer, David A. Liberles
Background: Sequence searches are routinely employed to detect and annotate related proteins. However, a rapid growth of databases necessitates a frequent repetition of sequence s...
Valdemaras Repsys, Mindaugas Margelevicius, Ceslov...