As integrated circuits are migrated to more advanced technologies, it has become clear that crosstalk is an important physical phenomenon that must be taken into account. Crosstal...
We developed a content delivery system using a partially reconfigurable FPGA to securely distribute digital content on the Internet. With partial reconfigurability of a Xilinx Vir...
Yohei Hori, Hiroyuki Yokoyama, Hirofumi Sakane, Ke...
FPGA-based synthesis tools require information about behaviour and architectural to make effective use of the limited number of cells typically available. A hardware description l...
This paper presents a delay optimal FPGA clustering algorithm targeting low power. We assume that the configurable logic blocks of the FPGA can be programmed using either a high s...
Molecular Dynamics (MD) is of central importance to computational chemistry. Here we show that MD can be implemented efficiently on a COTS FPGA board, and that speedups from ¿½...