Abstract. Two ways to exploit chips with a very large number of transistors are multicore processors and programmable logic chips. Some data parallel algorithms can be executed eï¬...
Reconfigurable hardware devices make it possible to change the topology of electronic circuits at runtime. Using reconfigurable devices as a platform for Evolvable hardware (EHW) ...
Side channel attacks are known to be efficient techniques to retrieve secret data. In this context, this paper concerns the evaluation of the robustness of triple rail logic agains...
1 We present a fast, efficient, and parameterized modular multiplier and a secure exponentiation circuit especially intended for FPGAs on the low end of the price range. The desig...
This paper investigates experimentally the quantitative impact of pipelining on energy per operation for two representative FPGA devices: a 0.13µm CMOS high density/high speed FPG...