The basic networking unit in Bluetooth is piconet, and a larger-area Bluetooth network can be formed by multiple piconets, called scatternet. However, the structure of scatternets...
ct Feature Oriented Programming (FOP) is a design methodology and tools for program synthesis. The goal is to specify a target program in terms of the features that it offers, and ...
Stampede is a parallel programming system to facilitate the programming of interactive multimedia applications on clusters of SMPs. In a Stampede application, a variable number of...
The Enhanced Pay-Per-View (EPPV) model for providing continuous-media services associates with each continuous-media clip a display frequency that depends on the clip's popula...
Most of the work on the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of neural networks has been focused on feedforward networks. However, recurrent networks are also widely used in learning app...