Data outsourcing is becoming today a successful solution that allows users and organizations to exploit external servers for the distribution of resources. Some of the most challe...
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Sara Foresti, Su...
Efficient management of RDF data is an important factor in realizing the Semantic Web vision. The existing approaches store RDF data based on triples instead of a relation model. I...
Cloud computing provides users near instant access to seemingly unlimited resources, and provides service providers the opportunity to deploy complex information technology infras...
Yun Mao, Changbin Liu, Jacobus E. van der Merwe, M...
—This paper addresses the problem of providing congestion-management for a shared wireless sensor networkbased target tracking system. In many large-scale wireless sensor network...
Lei Chen 0005, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Joel W. Bran...
Location information gathered from a variety of sources in the form of sensor data, video streams, human observations, and so on, is often imprecise and uncertain and needs to be ...
Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Yiming Ma, Sharad Mehrotra,...