Soft errors have become a significant concern and recent studies have measured the “architectural vulnerability factor” of systems to such errors, or conversely, the potentia...
Darshan D. Thaker, Diana Franklin, John Oliver, Su...
Studying program behavior is a central component in architectural designs. In this paper, we study and exploit one aspect of program behavior, the behavior repetition, to expedite...
It is well recognized that LRU cache-line replacement can be ineffective for applications with large working sets or non-localized memory access patterns. Specifically, in lastle...
Industry vendors hesitate to disseminate proprietary applications to academia and third party vendors. By consequence, the benchmarking process is typically driven by standardized...
With processor speeds continuing to outpace the memory subsystem, cache missing memory operations continue to become increasingly important to application performance. In response...
Sorin Iacobovici, Lawrence Spracklen, Sudarshan Ka...