To solve the knowledge bottleneck problem, active learning has been widely used for its ability to automatically select the most informative unlabeled examples for human annotation...
Jingbo Zhu, Huizhen Wang, Benjamin K. Tsou, Matthe...
Although touch-screen laptops are increasing in popularity, users still do not comfortably rely on touch in these environments, as current software interfaces were not designed fo...
MobileASL, a software program enabling sign-language video on mobile devices over conventional U.S. cellular networks, was evaluated in a three-week field study during the summer ...
Joy Kim, Jessica J. Tran, Tressa W. Johnson, Richa...
Object detection and recognition has achieved a significant progress in recent years. However robust 3D object detection and segmentation in noisy 3D data volumes remains a challen...
Le Lu, Adrian Barbu, Matthias Wolf, Jianming Liang...
For over 3 decades, computer graphics technology has been developed to simulate physically accurate image of real scene. Meanwhile, useful tone mapping methods have been developed...