As small digital cameras become more popular, opportunities to take photos are rapidly increasing. Photo sharing is a great way to maintain and revitalize relationships between fa...
As ubiquitous computing becomes increasingly mobile and social, personal information sharing will likely increase in frequency, the variety of friends to share with, and range of ...
Jason Wiese, Patrick Gage Kelley, Lorrie Faith Cra...
Location prediction using mobile phone traces has attracted increasing attention. Owing to the irregular user mobility patterns, it still remains challenging to predict user locat...
Daqiang Zhang, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Haoyi Xion...
Mobile social networks have been introduced as a new efficient (i.e., minimize resource usage) and effective (i.e., maximize the number of target recipients) way to disseminate con...
An ad hoc network is formed by a group of mobile hosts communicating over wireless channels. Such a network operates without any fixed network interaction and centralized administ...