We show how the traditional protocol stack, such as TCP/IP, can be eliminated for socket based high speed communication within a cluster. The SCI shared memory interconnect is used...
A large and reliable DNA codeword library is key to the success of DNA based computing. Searching for sets of reliable DNA codewords is an NP-hard problem, which can take days on ...
Qinru Qiu, Daniel J. Burns, Prakash Mukre, Qing Wu
The Cell Broadband Engine (CBE) is a new heterogeneous multi-core processor from IBM, Sony and Toshiba, and provides the potential to achieve an impressive level of performance for...
For the next generation of multi-core processors, the onchip interconnection networks must be efficient to achieve high data throughput and performance. Moreover, these interconne...
Henrique C. Freitas, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Na...
Since the advent of electronic computing, the processors’ clock speed has risen tremendously. Now that energy efficiency requirements have stopped that trend, the number of proc...