Modern processors can issue and execute multiple instructions per cycle, often performing multiple memory operations simultaneously. To reduce stalls due to resource conflicts, m...
Chinnakrishnan S. Ballapuram, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, M...
In this paper, we proposed an online algorithm, called FQT-Stream (Frequent Query Trees of Streams), to mine the set of all frequent tree patterns over a continuous XML data strea...
In this paper, we propose a framework, called XAR-Miner, for mining ARs from XML documents efficiently. In XAR-Miner, raw data in the XML document are first preprocessed to transf...
XML data evolution has recently gained much interest in both research and practice. However, most of the existing works deal with separate aspects of the problem such as evolution...
With an increasing amount of semi-structured data XML has become important. XML documents may contain private information that cannot be shared by all user communities. Therefore,...