In a large-scale language detection task, performance variation found between different component systems and different target languages has an adverse effect to the pooled error ...
Raymond W. M. Ng, Cheung-Chi Leung, Tan Lee, Bin M...
Abstract. The combination of a language with ne-grain implicit parallelism and a data
ow evaluation scheme is suitable for high-level programming on massively parallel architectur...
Scripting languages such as R and Matlab are widely used in scientific data processing. As the data volume and the complexity of analysis tasks both grow, sequential data process...
Jiangtian Li, Xiaosong Ma, Srikanth B. Yoginath, G...
Current sign language recognition systems are still designed for signer-dependent operation only and thus suffer from the problem of interpersonal variability in production. Appli...
As the field of agent-based systems continues to expand rapidly, one of the most significant problems lies in being able to compare and evaluate the relative benefits and disad...