There are two ways to define a semantics for process algebras: either directly by means of an equivalence relation or by means of a preorder whose kernel is the desired equivalenc...
David de Frutos-Escrig, Carlos Gregorio-Rodr&iacut...
The concept of sequential two-sided search is widely used in partnerships formation applications in various domains. However, when considering the implementation of the method in M...
We present a technique for defining and extracting passage-time densities from high-level stochastic process algebra models. Our high-level formalism is PEPA, a popular Markovian...
Jeremy T. Bradley, Nicholas J. Dingle, Stephen T. ...
Information extraction approaches are heavily used to gather product information on the Web, especially focusing on technical product specifications. If requesting different sour...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose the notion of partial time abstraction for timed process algebras, which introduces the possibility to abstract away parts of the timing of syst...